This article will walk you through the process of creating a Support Ticket, as well as outline some best practices when doing so.
When should you create a support ticket?
You should create a support ticket anytime you:
- Have a question about Leadspace products and services
- Have an issue with any of the products & services we offer
- Have an idea about how Leadspace can improve a product, service, or process
How to Create a Support Ticket
There are two ways to create a support ticket once you've signed into your account:
- Click the 'Submit a Request' link from the homepage; OR
- Click the 'Submit a Request' link from the 'My Activities' section of the support portal
You will then need to fill out the following form and submit your support ticket:
Subject: Subject should reflect the actual question/issue. We use this to help with historical case review and spot check urgent matters.
Description: Please add as much information as possible - including examples and/or major pain points. As best practice, please add the following to each ticket you create:
- Quick Summary (1-2 Sentences):
- Your Company Name:
- System: (LSOD, Marketo, etc.)
- Browser, OS: (Chrome/Firefox, Windows/Mac)
- Input Data Example(s), if applicable:
- Screenshots/Video Example if available:
Type: Is the request a Question, Incident, Problem, or Task
Priority: How urgent is the request you are submitting?
- P1: Critical – Problem causes extremely serious interruptions to a production system (SLA – 1 Business Hour).
- P2: Urgent – Problem causes serious interruptions to normal operations, will negatively impact customer’s business, urgent deadlines are at risk (SLA – 8 Business Hours).
- P3: Important – Problem causes interruptions in normal operations (SLA – 2 Business Days).
- P4: Minor – Problem results in minimal or no interruptions to normal operations (SLA – 5 Business Days).
Product: What product most accurately describes what you're inquiring about or having an issue with?
Attachments: Add any files, images, etc. that you feel would help support troubleshoot the issue
How to Create an Account in the Leadspace Support Portal
The first step is to create an account in our Support Portal & Community Homepage at This will provide you with a portal from which you can manage cases that you are associated with (created or CC'd on):
- Click the 'Sign In' link
- Click 'Sign Up'
- Enter your full name and company email address and click 'Sign Up'
- Follow the instructions in the email you receive to validate your account and choose a password
- Back at the homepage, click the 'Sign In' link and enter your email address and password
Benefits of Using the Support Portal
Once signed in, you will see your name in place of the 'Sign In' link. Click on your name and choose the 'My activities' link to access your support portal. There are several benefits to using the portal to manage your tickets:
- Using the support portal to create tickets will recommend KB articles based on the keywords you type while creating your ticket.
- Use the 'My requests' tab to show tickets that you've created in a single, neat space.
- Use the 'Requests I'm CC'd on' tab to show tickets submitted by others, but that have you as a CC for visibility.
- If you have multiple tickets, use the 'Search requests' bar to use keywords to search for specific ticket topics.
- Use the 'Status' dropdown to filter out tickets that are awaiting your reply, open, solved, or choose 'Any' to see all cases (default).
- Use the 'My profile' option to customize your profile
- Easily change your password
Best Practices
Here are some writing guidelines and best practices we recommend when creating a support ticket. Following these will help the Support Team more efficiently address your issue, question, and/or recommendation:
- Be precise and clear when adding details of your issue/question/suggestion
- Try to stick to 1 issue/question/recommendation per ticket.
- If you have multiple questions or issues, it's best to create multiple tickets so we can keep our conversations on a 'per issue, per ticket' basis.
- Add reproduction steps and details so we can try and replicate issues or bugs. e.g LSOD issue:
- Provide the type of segment you're creating
- Provide the files used during creation
- Provide the creation criteria/filter values
- Provide permission for Support to try and replicate in your account
- Include the browser and operating system you are using (if applicable)
- If you have a deadline that you would like Support to consider, please add it. We will always try our best to adhere to any timelines if possible.
***As a general rule, too much information is always preferred over too little information***