Leadspace is enhancing the Intent service. This is a guide on how to migrate to new fields provided. This affects all systems, the primary systems in this article will be the API and LS4SF
Old Result (Example Schema) |
New Result |
"domain_intent": "Topic1=65",
"intent_modeling": [
"project_name": "Intent Model 1",
"project_score": "low",
"surging_topics": [
"new_high_intent_flag": "No"
"project_name": "Intent Model 2",
"project_score": "medium",
"surging_topics": [
"https://www.acme.com [2]",
"https://www.acme.com/content/product/ [1]",
"https://info.acme.com/Whitepaper1.html [1]",
"https://info.acme.com/stop-human-error.html [11]",
"https://www.acme.com/content/phishing-scams/ [1]",
"new_high_intent_flag": "No"
"intent_modeling_v4": [
"model": "Intent_Bombora",
"model_level": "low",
"numeric_score": "50",
"drivers": [
"source": "Bombora",
"cadence": "Weekly",
"new_high_intent_flag": "No"
"model": "Intent_Kickfire",
"model_level": "medium",
"numeric_score": "89",
"drivers": [
"project_name": "Intent Model 2",
"project_score": "medium",
"surging_topics": [
"https://www.acme.com [2]",
"https://www.acme.com/content/product/ [1]",
"https://info.acme.com/Whitepaper1.html [1]",
"https://info.acme.com/stop-human-error.html [11]",
"https://www.acme.com/content/phishing-scams/ [1]",
"source": "Website visits",
"cadence": "Weekly",
"new_high_intent_flag": "No"
Definition of the fields
Please update the mapping in 'Results Field Mapping' to the following and be sure to unmap the old fields by unchecking the 'Active' checkbox.
Old Field | New Field | Description |
LS Domain Intent | LS Domain Intent (No change) |
For 3rd party intent only, this field has all the topics and raw score for each topic. Ex: Topic1 (95), Topic2 (88), etc. |
LS Intent Score | LS Intent Level |
With our intent models we will categorize the score into High, Medium, Low, No Intent. Ex: Medium |
LS Surging Topics | LS Intent Drivers |
All the topics or webpages that a record is surging on. **Note: May need to update the field to 'Text Area (Long) in order to map this field Ex: Topic1, Topic2, Topic3, etc. |
LS High Intent | LS New High Intent |
When an account is newly surging high compared to previous intent update, this field will be changed to 'Yes' which indicates an account has a strong intent signal. This is a great signal to have sales or marketing reach out. Ex: Yes |
LS Intent Cadence | A new field to indicate if the Intent model is a weekly or daily model. Currently, in SFDC we only support weekly and is used as an FYI on what Periodic Sync cadence to use. NO NEED TO MAP | |
LS Intent Source | 'Website visits', 'Bombora', or 'LS Intent'. Advise to not add in SFDC as this is more an FYI. | |
LS Intent Numeric Score | A more granular score if needed for segmentation purpose, will not populate by default. Please reach out to your CSM if you would like to understand this field more. Advise to not add in SFDC. | |
LS Intent industry | This correlates to the industry of the Domain/IP | |
LS Intnt Origin | Lists country value that correlates from where the intent domain emanates | |
LS Intnt topmetro | Lists specific cities/metros that are surging relative to the intent topic(s). |
Additional Information on Intent Scoring
3rd-Party Intent (Bombora/Leadspace Intent)
Leadspace 3rd-Party intent scores are based on the following:
- Raw topic score from source
- Topic weight
We take the raw scores from the intent provider with the topic weight across your managed accounts, compare them to a set of look-alike/benchmark accounts to create a percentile scale of 0-100, and placing companies into High, Med, Low, No Intent.
- High: >95
- Medium: 75-94
- Low: 1-74
- No Intent: 0
The name of the buckets, the number of buckets, and the ranges of the scores are all customizable.
1st-Party Intent (KickFire)
Leadspace 1st-Party Intent scoring is based on the following:
- Pages visited
- Sessions (each session is a 30 min interval)
- Webpage/section weighting
The scoring is calculated for each company with this formula: # of sessions for webpage * weight then placed on benchmark scale. Taking resulting score and place companies into High, Med, Low, No Intent.
- High: >95
- Medium: 75-94
- Low: 1-74
- No Intent: 0
The name of the buckets, the number of buckets, and the ranges of the scores are all customizable.
A couple of things to keep in mind:
- Weighting: This is something customers may want to consider. As an example, customers may want the home page to be lower than a ‘product’ or ‘whitepaper’ page.
- Numeric Score: Calculated numeric scores are available to use now with intent v4, and can be customized to their desired High, Med, Low buckets. By default >95 is High, 75-94 = Med, 1-74 = Low, 0 = No Intent. The use case for using the numeric score is for more granular segmentation.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or Leadspace Support via support@leadspace.com.