The Leadspace for Salesforce application allows you to enrich your Account, Contact, and Lead records directly from your Salesforce instance. Leadspace for Salesforce provides four different ways to enrich records with Leadspace data:
- Leadspace Enrich Button
- Event-Based Triggers
- Periodic Syncs
- Run Once Syncs
This guide will walk you through the first time installation process for the Leadspace for Salesforce (LS4SF) managed package.
Change Log
Date | Package Version | Change |
1/17/25 | 6.18 | Updated article format and package link for version 6.18 |
Before proceeding, it is recommended that you contact Leadspace Support or your CSM before installing the Leadspace for Salesforce application. We are happy to schedule 45-60 mins. to walk you through the installation process and answer any questions.
Some other requirements and recommendations are:
- SFDC System Admin who will be installing the package should Submit a Ticket to Leadspace Support with their first name, last name, and email address. LS Support will send the OAUTH credentials to this user.
- Salesforce System Admin profile is required to install the package
- Install the package in a Sandbox or UAT environment first for testing and review before installing in your Production environment(s).
New Installation Instructions
Install Package
- Login to Salesforce and click the New Installation Link
- Choose one of the following options. Note that this selection only pertains to the Leadspace Enrichment Button access and does not dictate access to the LS4SF application:
- Install for System Admins
- Install for All Users (Recommended)
- Install for Specific Profiles
- Select Yes to Approve Third-Party Access
- Click 'Done' to be redirected to the Installed Packages screen in SFDC
Once the package is installed, the SFDC Admin will receive an email indicating the install was successful. The Installed Packages screen will also be updated with the Leadspace for Salesforce package and version.
- Sandbox and UAT instances will sometimes require you to manually append the Salesforce URL with the package install instead of just clicking the install link above. Manually append packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tDp000000DkqX to the end of your Salesforce domain URL and run from Chrome.
- Use the View Components link if you want to see all the components installed with the package
Input Authentication Credentials & Settings
- Select App Launcher and search for Settings
- Enter the Program ID and Secret that LS Support sent in the following sections:
- Authentication
- Single Enrich Authentication
- Select Update Settings
- Intent Authentication: If you are using LS Intent Models, you will be sent separate Program ID and Secret credentials for this section
Complete Installation
- Select the App Launcher and search for Leadspace for Salesforce
- Select Settings
- Select the Health Check button (at the bottom of the page)
- Review the list and look for any warnings in red
- Select Fix then Scan to resolve any issues. All rows should show a green Passed or No Records to Delete message
- The Sales Tool permission set is for a future product, and will likely show a red error message as seen in the screenshot above. You can ignore this error for now
Here is a list of the LS4SF Settings starting at the Configurations section. Leadspace recommendations are listed in the description for each.
Email Address: Emails added here will be notified of Sync Activity results
Number of Allowed Transactions: Max is 500,000. Defines max number of records that can be processed through a single Sync Definition
Record Bulk Size: Selections range from 5 - 500. Indicates the number of records that will be sent through each bulk API call. Recommendation is 100 or 200 but can vary depending on your SFDC env. API demands
Sync Definition - Minute Interval (Optional): Values are either 3 or 5 and are locked in after you select and run a Periodic Minutely Sync Definition
Receive Email Updates For Each Minutely Based Sync Activity (Optional): If you are using a minutely periodic sync, this setting dictates whether users in the ‘Email’ section will receive a notification for every sync activity
Custom Objects: Default OFF. Once enabled this allows you to use custom Company and Person objects created by Leadspace. Please review the following with your System Admin before considering the enablement of this setting.
Ignore Validation Rules: Defaults to OFF, when enabled, allows certain validation rules set in SFDC to be ignored during LS enrichment. Recommended default is OFF
Event Based Trigger: Enables Sync Definition type ‘Event Based’ which allows you to set on-demand enrichment triggers for created and/or updated Account, Contact, and Lead records.
Allow Trigger for Non LS Permitted Users: By default, users who create or update records as part of an event-based trigger must have the Leadspace Manager permission set assigned. Enabling this setting bypasses that requirement. The recommendation is to ENABLE this setting.
LS Logs: Allows LS Logs to capture warning and error data regarding LS4SF activities and sync jobs
Logs Level: Default to ‘Info’ which captures errors, warnings, and info.
- Endpoints section has six Leadspace endpoints listed that power the enrichment integration. There is no need to make changes here.
Leadspace Reports & Dashboards: On applicable for customers who use LS Intent or Predictive models. Requires at least one intent or predictive field to be mapped in Output Mapping. Generate & Run creates the report in the Leadspace Reports folder
Leadspace Sales Tool: Assigns Permission Set for users who will use the Leadspace Prospecting Tool. This is a future feature and not currently available
Update Field Level Security: Updates FLS for LS Custom fields for both LS Permission Sets and the Salesforce Admin profile
Reset All Output Mappings: Deactivates all Account, Contact, and Lead Output Mappings
Health Check: Launches the Health Check Utility for key application configurations and setup
- Complete Upgrade (Optional): Sets app navigation assets for package upgrades only
- Fast Installation (Only for Leadspace Domains): Expedited installation process for Leadspace accounts only
Improve Sync Performance: Allows specific fields to be excluded from Sync Definition selection. Can improve performance in accounts with a large number of object fields
Input Field Mapping
Input field mapping allows you to set which field data will be sent to Leadspace for enrichment. It’s critical that each object you plan on enriching through LS4SF have their respective input field mapping aligned to the fields from which their data is located.
The picklist values for all object's Input Field Mapping should be your Standard SFDC fields, and not Leadspace fields. The LS4SF package does a great job of automatically mapping the correct input fields in your SFDC instance, but it’s best to confirm with your SFDC Admin Team.
- Select the applicable object button and review the mapping.
- The left column is the Leadspace Field
- The right column are you SFDC standard fields | API Name for each field. You can click on each field dropdown to see an entire list of all fields available to be mapped in your system
- Once you have confirmed that all fields are mapped correctly, click the Update Mapping button to save your changes
- Repeat for each object as needed
- Company Postal Code and Company LSID are <None> by default. These are optional and not required for enrichment
- The +Add another field option is only applicable if you have a custom solution with Leadspace, such as Custom Data Ingestion
Output Field Mapping
Output Field Mapping determines the LS field data you want to capture when you send records for enrichment. The mapping allows you to both create and map Leadspace Custom Fields in the respective object.
There are five total objects that have their own Output Mapping tabs in LS4SF - Three of them are standard:
- Accounts
- Leads
- Contacts
And two are Custom:
- Company (Custom)
- Person (Custom)
If you are using standard objects (recommended), you will only be able to update Accounts, Leads, and Contacts Output Mapping options.
If you are using custom objects, you will only be able to update Company and Person Output Mapping tabs. The standard tabs will be unavailable.
Active: All fields default to ‘Inactive’. This indicates whether a field will be created and mapped during the initial mapping. Fields you want to return when Leadspace enriches a record must be marked 'Active'
Override: LS Enrichment will replace a value in the field unless that new value is 'blank'
Override Empty Fields: LS Enrichment will only update the field if the field value is 'blank'
- Allow Blank Override (Recommended): LS Enrichment will update the field with both a value and a 'blank' value
- Leadspace Field: The pretty name label of the Leadspace field
- Field Type: Default field type of the LS field when created in Salesforce
Map to Field: Defaults to ‘Create New Field’. This is a dropdown of all fields in your env to which you can map the LS field. The recommendation here is to use ‘Create New Field’ unless you have already created LS fields manually in these objects
- Field Label: Field label of the field in Salesforce. Default will be the same as the Leadspace field name, but can be changed to your liking
Internal Field: Leadspace API field name value for the LS fields
- Intent, Recommended, Common Columns: Set buckets defined by Leadspace. This serves as a recommendation only and cannot be modified
Mapping Exercise
The Output Mapping exercise should be discussed with your internal teams as needed, as this will dictate what fields will be created in Salesforce and what data you will get back from Leadspace when you enrich records in the respective objects.
When you have decided which fields to map, please follow the process outlined here:
- Check the ‘Active’ and applicable ‘Override’ boxes for any field you want to create and map
- Once you have all the desired fields marked active and override, click the ‘Update Mapping’ button
- Repeat this process for Account, Lead, and Contact Output Mapping as needed
- It is recommended you select one of the three Override options explained in the Layout section above
- During your first mapping exercise per object, all fields will have a blue New badge next to them. Once you update the mapping, these badges will disappear. However, new fields added by Leadspace or by way of purchases or configuration will appear in each object's Output Mapping with the New badge
Related Articles
- Leadspace for Salesforce: Permission Sets
- Leadspace Enrich Button
- Event-Based Syncs
- Periodic Syncs
- Run-Once Syncs
- Leadspace Standard & Custom Fields Guide