After implementing the Lead-to-Account Matching flow, you can now create reports that showcase the Leads with Matched Accounts.
Building the Report
Getting Started
- Go to Setup
- Search for 'Report Type' in the Quick Find > Create New
- Select your Criteria
- Primary Object: Leads
- Name: Leads with Matching Accounts
- Description: Cross Referenced Lead and Matched Accounts
- Category: Leads (or a custom folder)
- No inner or outer join
- Click Save
Edit Layout
- Add fields related via the lookup
- Generally, we recommend Select All so you have all the LS fields to use in your report
Building the Report
This report shows the accounts and the associated leads with it. This allows you to see the related list that you see on the account level in one report. You can group and/or filter the report to your liking.
- Create a Lead Report
- Go to Reports > New Report
- Go to Customize Section
- Format: Summary
- Group By: Matched Account
- Lead Owner: Group By Lead Owner first then the Matched Account. This way for each Sales Rep you can see the Matched Accounts associated
- Show: All Leads or My Leads. My Leads can help your Sales Rep to see the Leads they own.
- Filter: Matched Account is NOT Blank.
- Lead Type: Prospect (as opposed to Partners or other Lead Types you may have).
- Lead Status: Do not want to see ones in 'Sales Accepted' (as an example) or only ones in 'Marketing Qualified'.
- Country: Perhaps you only want to see leads that are in the US
- Lead Source: May want to only focus on the ones that Leadspace sent or ones that came thru a recent event
- Date: Current FY or Current Quarter (or all time to see historical)
- Show: My Accounts (so each rep can see accounts they own) or 'All Accounts' to see the full list.
- Columns
- Recommendation for columns:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Title
- Company/Account: This way you can see all accounts that could are part of that company (ex: leads that work for Amazon Web Services will be under the Amazon Company/Account)
- Lead Source
- Phone
- Lead Source
- Lead Type
- Lead Status
- LS Company Revenue Range
- LS Company Size Range
- Scoring Fields (if you have Persona or Predictive Scoring with Leadspace)
- Recommendation for columns:
- Filter: Matched Account is NOT Blank.
- Optional: Add a Chart
- You can also add a chart to see the distribution of these accounts by Sales Rep. This may help to see if the 'Named Accounts' are evenly spread out amongst the team.
- Go to Reports > New Report
Example Report:
If you would like more information about setting up this flow, please reach out to support@leadspace.com and we will be happy set up a call and discuss your needs.
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