The integration between Eloqua and Salesforce (SFDC) by default is a one way sync, any changes made in SFDC will be synced to Eloqua. The purpose of setting up this flow is for Leadspace fields to sync between Eloqua into Salesforce for both leads and contacts.
Setup Steps
Prerequisite: Please make sure the integration and the creation of the CDOs have been completed inside your Eloqua instance.
Final Program Canvas
*Note: Can use a 'Listener' step in another Program Canvas with other flows your have (Lead-to-Account Matching flow, Moved flow, Enrichment, etc.) to listen for this Program Canvas so fields are synced.
As an example, this is a separate program where it listens to the above 'LS Standard CDO SFDC tag flow':
Update Rules
Go to Contact > Tools > Data Tools
Create a NEW Update Rule
Update Rule Set Name: Update SFDC ID on LS Standard
Entity Type: Custom Object
Custom Object Set: LS_Standard_CDO
Update Rules:
Overwrite the 'SFDC - Lead ID' with SFDC Lead ID, do the same for 'SFDC - Contact ID'.
This will create the bridge between Eloqua and SFDC in knowing which contact or lead to update.
Program Builder
Before we build the Program Builder, we need to set up an Outbound call for both Internal and External Events in the Integration section.
To do this, navigate to the Tool icon > Platform Extensions > Integration
Go to the Outbound Tab, we will need to set up both an 'Internal Events' and 'External Calls'.
First let's set up 'Internal Call', fill in the information such as name, etc. Then right click the 'Internal call' that was created > 'Create New External Call'
Action: Update
Entity: Lead or Contact depending on which object in SFDC you would like to update.
Find the External Call that was created then click the down arrow on the Data Card you want to work on, then select 'Field Mapping'
Go ahead and map all the Leadspace Fields that you would like to sync over Contact object and the Lead ID for the Lead Object.
**Note: Please be sure to map the Contact ID or Lead ID (depending on the object you are working with)
'Internal Events', under the 'Custom Data Card Events', create a new Event with a name of 'LS CDO field update - Lead' and another for 'LS CDO field update - Contact' (depending on if you want to sync to the Lead and/or Contact object in SFDC)
Add the External calls for the Lead or Contact Object (there will be 2 separate ones)
Now let's go back to the Program Builder itself.
Go to Campaigns > Tools > Program Builder
Step 1: 'Collect CDO to Sync'
Action Name: Run External Call to Update LS Standard Fields
Run Action at any time of Day? Yes, can modify if you wish to only run at a certain time
Action Type: Run Integration Event
Custom Event: Add the Internal Event that you just created. You will need one for Lead and one for Contact if you would like to sync to both object
Step 2: 'Remove From Program'
Action Name: Remove from Program
Run Any time of Day: Yes, but can restrict to certain times if you'd like
Action Type: Remove from Program
Back to the Program Canvas, you will need to add this Program Builder to the canvas:
**Note: You will need to create 2 different programs if you would like to sync both Leads and Contacts.
**Note: This will need to be repeated for the SLM CDO if you would like to bring over the hierarchy data over to SFDC as well.
If you would like more information about setting up this flow, please reach out to support@leadspace.com and we will be happy to set up a call.