About Leadspace Studio
Leadspace Studio is the complete control center for the Leadspace Customer Data Platform (CDP) and replaces Leadspace On-Demand as the main web application.
It includes getting a clear view of your TAM, quickly viewing details on your key audiences, and see how they’re activated across channels.
Expand into more, new accounts just like your best customers by creating new segments.
The platform now contains some new advanced abilities that were not included in LSOD such as Unify, which allows you to get single, clean and deduped Company and People profiles lists.
You can also explore visualizations of your data to uncover ideal customer profiles, and review the performance of your AI-driven models and scoring with embedded analytics.
You can get reports to see your overall data health, and where the CDP is helping you improve.
Ultimately, this will be your single application for viewing and managing your Leadspace instance.
Supported Browsers
Leadspace Studio is supported in the following browsers:
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
Studio Users and Roles
The Studio app supports two roles:
- Leadspace Studio Administrator: Allowed to create and view segments, as well as create new users
- Leadspace Studio User: Allowed to create, view and deploy segments