Discovering Companies by Lookalike
You can take an existing list of companies or create an ad-hoc list of companies in a text entry field and run it through a lookalike segment to find companies that have similar locations, industries, employee size, and revenue.
Getting Started
To start a Lookalike segment, click on “Create New” → Lookalike:
General Comments about Lookalike in Studio:
- The user can upload a CSV file with company records to use as the basis for the Lookalike. Users can also create a list of companies in a multi-line text field.
- The uploaded CSV input file won’t be saved/available for download, only the resulting Lookalike file
- Lookalike segments use Net New credits
Steps for using the Lookalike wizard:
- Click on the “Create New” button in the segment tab and then click on “Lookalike.”
- Select “Upload file” if you are going to import your company list or “Type in company names” if you would like to input company names in the multi-line text field manually.
- You will want to make sure to add a line break between each company in your list, a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10
4. Name your segment - this will be the title of the Segment card later shown in the Segments list and details (which can be edited also post-creation of the Lookalike segment). Click “Next”.
5. Choose the criteria for your Lookalike segment. You can include or exclude companies based on the following criteria:
- Location
- Industries
- Revenue
- Employee size
6. In the “Adjustments” step, you can limit the amt. of records you return and upload a suppression file if there are certain companies you would like to exclude from the Lookalike results.
7. Upon clicking on the “Create” button, the user will be taken back to the Segments tab, where a new Segment card will be created on the left side of the screen, and on the right side, the segment details will be presented.