Enriched Segments Actions
Actions and Options
The user can perform the actions below for each enriched segment:
- Unify & segment
- Download
- Delete
- Deploy to - LinkedIn, Eloqua, Marketo, SalesLoft, Google, and Facebook
Accessing the Options
To access the available actions for your segment, click the Segment > opening the actions dropdown menu > Select Option
Enriched Segments Details
Segment Details
The enriched segment details appear on the right side of the window next to each segment card and include the following information:
- Segment Name (editable by a click on the name box)
- Segment type - enriched People or Companies
- Date + creator name
- Input Sources
Automated DHR (Data Health Report)
Each enriched type segment in Studio has a data health report calculated automatically once the segment is created.
Accessing the DHR
To access the DHR report, click on the “View Report” button in the DHR illustration in the segment details section.
- The DHR section won’t appear in segment details if it was created offline (not in Studio) and uploaded to the system. In that case, a stand-alone DHR can be made by the analyst team and uploaded to the manage tab.
- 1st party filters are not supported. Only the following filters are supported: Employee Size, Company Revenues, Company Regions, Person Title, and Person Country. The full spec can be found here.
- The DHR has thesame structure and fields as the “stand-alone” reports created upon request in the manage tab.
- The DHR section won’t appear in segment details if it was created offline (not in Studio) and uploaded to the system. In that case, a stand alone DHR can be created by the analyst team and uploaded to the manage tab.
- 1st party filters are not supported. Only the following filters are supported: Employee Size, Company Revenues, Company Regions, Person Title, Person Country. The full spec can be found here.