Leadspace can now provide Person Enriched data for your leads or contacts that have a webmail address such as gmail.com or hotmail.com. This article will outline how it works, and how to best utilize this exciting new functionality.
What's New?
Historically, Leadspace has utilized an email domain blacklist comprised of a large number of personal email domains such as yahoo.com and aol.com. Using these webmail/freemail addresses for person enrichment inputs would typically return an 'Invalid Input' response, or limited person enriched counts when 'Company Name' data was included in the input.
Today, Leadspace has identified the top 100, personal email domains and removed them from the blacklist. This means that person enriched data can now be derived from personal email addresses AND business email addresses without the need to include company name data in the input.
What personal email domains are supported?
Here is a list of the top 100 domains we have removed from the blacklist, and made eligible for Personal Email Matching:
gmail.com | icloud.com | peoplepc.com | adelphia.net | tampabay.rr.com |
yahoo.com | verizon.net | me.com | cfl.rr.com | rochester.rr.com |
hotmail.com | outlook.com | cs.com | twcny.rr.com | yahoo.fr |
aol.com | cox.net | rocketmail.com | pacbell.net | qwest.net |
comcast.net | ymail.com | optonline.net | verizon.com | netzero.com |
msn.com | earthlink.net | att.com | windstream.net | centurytel.net |
att.net | juno.com | mac.com | excite.com | snet.net |
bellsouth.net | charter.net | prodigy.net | frontier.com | umich.edu |
sbcglobal.net | netzero.net | aim.com | dell.com | nc.rr.com |
live.com | netscape.net | worldnet.att.net | swbell.net | ca.rr.com |
austin.rr.com | comcast.com | embarqmail.com | umn.edu | flash.net |
cableone.net | mail.com | triad.rr.com | nyc.rr.com | charter.com |
roadrunner.com | socal.rr.com | rediffmail.com | stanford.edu | columbia.edu |
ameritech.net | carolina.rr.com | cinci.rr.com | remax.net | tivejo.com |
wmconnect.com | mindspring.com | woh.rr.com | kc.rr.com | lycos.com |
satx.rr.com | mchsi.com | gci.net | cps.edu | purdue.edu |
san.rr.com | yahoo.co.in | stny.rr.com | zoominternet.net | hotmail.fr |
frontiernet.net | webtv.net | wi.rr.com | ptd.net | blackplanet.com |
yahoo.co.uk | suddenlink.net | fuse.net | columbus.rr.com | yahoo.es |
usa.net | tds.net | rcn.com | yahoo.com.ar | nycap.rr.com |
How to Utilize
The Personal Email Matching updates open the door to some exciting new ways to utilize lead and contact data in your CRM and MAP systems. Here are some actions and use cases we recommend:
Update Constraint Filters in your MAP and CRM Flows
For customers that use Leadspace CRM and/or MAP Integrations, there are likely constraints in place that serve to filter out some or all of the 100 webmail addresses above. If so, we recommend removing these domains from your filters. This will allow previously un-enrich-able lead and contact data to flow through to Leadspace Enrichment and potentially return Person Enriched data.
Integrations for this recommendation include:
- Salesforce
- Marketo
- Eloqua
- Hubspot
Smartforms Customers
Smartforms customers are also likely to have some sort of filter mechanism to weed out personal email addresses when visitors fill out your forms. Leadspace now recommends that you allow leads and contacts with the allowed, personal emails to flow through your forms and into your CRM or MAP.
One-Off Enrichment
Another option is to run a one-off enrichment for all of the personal email leads or contacts in your DB. This can be run in parallel to the options above, and provide a lift for LS Person Enriched data on leads/contacts that were previously not able to be enriched.
Once you have a .csv file with personal email records you would like to run through enrichment, you can use Leadspace Studio to enrich the records. You can refer to the following article for information on how to run enrichments through Studio:
Leadspace Studio: Enriching Companies & People
If need assistance with creating lists and/or running Studio enrichments, please submit a support ticket and we will be happy to assist.